Harrold and Carlton Football Club Covid 19 Risk Assessment
In line with the latest Government Track and Trace, please find attached the updated version of the Harrold and Carlton Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
There have been 2 additional amendments:
Well-being COVID-19 Symptoms – Control Measure(s)
- All parents.carers/supporters are encouraged to register using the QR code linked to the NHS track and trace relevant to the location they are at.
- Please refer to the FA COVID-19 guidance for grassroots. FA Covid-19-FAQ’s 23 Sep 2020
For those that are not aware, each venue now has a unique QR code. We can only encourage parents/supporters/carers to use these. There is one for each pitch including the rug-rats. I have attached codes for your information and for you to maybe forward to those you feel need to log in (opposition coaches etc.)